License Terms For the digital team program with Feedwork ApS 
CVR no. 37475238 


1.                   COMPANY INFORMATION

  1. Feedwork ApS, CVR no. 37475238, Otto Busses Vej 5, 2450 København SV, Denmark (”Feedwork”)

2.                   Introduction

  1. These license terms (”License Terms”) apply to any license and use of Feedwork’s Digital Team Program (”Team Program”). 

  2. The License Terms apply as an addition to and constitute an integral part of any agreement ("License Agreement") between Feedwork and the buyer specified in the License Agreement ("Customer") regarding the Customer's purchase and use of the Team Program. In case of discrepancies between the License Agreement and the License Terms, the License Agreement takes precedence.

3.                   LicensE FOR THE TEAM PROGRAM

  1. Feedwork grants the Customer a non-exclusive, time-limited, and non-transferable right to use the Team Program and any subsequent updates to the Team Program ("License").

  2. The Team Program is accessed via a web browser. The Customer is responsible for establishing and maintaining the connection to the web browser.

  3. The Customer is responsible for acquiring and installing browser programs for the use of the Team Program. Feedwork ensures that commonly used browsers are supported. Feedwork is entitled at any time to change the content and specifications of the Team Program, requiring the Customer to acquire and install new browser programs to use the Team Program.

4.                   Restrictions on the license

  1. The License is granted as a team license and is limited to the work team at the Customer ("Team") agreed upon in the License Agreement. "Team" generally refers to a group of employees at the Customer who have a meaningful work community and are smaller than a department.

  2. The License is conditioned on the Customer refraining from:

    1. disclosing, sublicensing, renting, selling, transferring, conveying, lending, or otherwise making the License or Team Program available to individuals outside the Team, Page 3 of 7
    2. installing, exploiting, and/or using the Team Program in violation of applicable law, the License Agreement, and/or the License Terms,
    3. modifying, decompiling, modifying, copying, or reverse engineering the Team Program or any part thereof or requesting a third party to do so,
    4. creating links or establishing other unauthorized accesses to the Team Program,
    5. using the Team Program for purposes other than those intended with the License. 
  3. The Costumer must inform Feedwork of unauthorized use of the License, Team Program, or suspicion thereof. 

5.                   License period and termination 

  1. The License Agreement expires 1 year after the date the License is made available to the Customer ("License Period").

  2. The License Agreement cannot be terminated during the License Period.

  3. Either party may terminate the License Agreement without notice in the event of a material breach by the other party, in which case the ordinary rules of Danish law regarding damages apply.

5.4           Upon termination of the License Agreement, the License immediately ceases. The Customer agrees that Feedwork will delete any data of the Customer stored by Feedwork or in Feedwork's systems upon termination of the License Agreement.

6.                   Support

  1. During the License Period, Feedwork shall provide the following support to the Customer: 

  1. Improvements, updates, and maintenance of the Team Program,
  2. Technical support and customer support regarding the Team Program and the License ("Support"), 

6.2           Support is provided by phone and email and solely in relation to the Team Program and the License.

6.3           Unless otherwise agreed in the License Agreement, Feedwork is obligated to provide Support on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00. Reporting of errors and other inquiries should be sent to [email protected].

7.                   License price and payment terms

  1. For the License, the Customer pays Feedwork the agreed license price in the License Agreement ("License Price").

  2. The License Price is invoiced before the start of the License Period and must be paid by the Customer in accordance with the payment terms in the License Agreement.

8.                   TEMporary suspension of the license

  1. Feedwork may temporarily suspend the License without breaching the License Agreement in the following cases:

    1. The Customer has not paid the License Price to Feedwork within 10 days after the date of Feedwork's sending of a written payment reminder.
    2. Feedwork, the Customer, or a third party is exposed to cybercrime, virus attacks, hacker attacks, or other threats affecting the License, Team Program, or its delivery.
    3. Circumstances related to the Customer, or a third party directly or indirectly influenced by the Customer make it impossible or significantly hinder Feedwork's delivery of the License.
    4. The Customer has unusually or extraordinarily high activity on the License, and Feedwork has reasonable suspicion that the Customer is in breach of clause pkt. Fejl! Henvisningskilde ikke fundet..

9.                   Customer’s responsibility 

  1. The Customer is unconditionally responsible for any activity under the License and the use of the Team Program, including compliance with applicable law.

9.2           The Customer is responsible for the data used by the Customer and the Customer's users in connection with the use of the Team Program.

10.                errors and defects in the team program

  1. The License is granted as is, without warranty unless otherwise stated in this section 10. 

  2. Feedwork guarantees that the Software does not infringe on third-party rights.

  3. Unless explicitly and in writing stated in the Agreement, Feedwork makes no representations or warranties that the License is provided without problems, errors, disruptions, downtimes, or similar at the Customer, or that the Team Program meets all the Customer's expectations and needs. 

  4. Feedwork cannot be held responsible for insignificant interruptions, disruptions, or downtimes. In case of interruptions, disruptions, or downtimes, Feedwork has a remedy right consisting of 2 remedy attempts with a reasonable remedy period of at least 2 business days per remedy attempt, with the consequence that the Customer cannot enforce other breach remedies during the remedy period. Feedwork is not entitled to separate compensation for the remedy work. 

11.                liability for damages

  1. The parties are liable for damages to each other in accordance with the ordinary rules of Danish law. 

  2. Feedwork disclaims any liability for indirect loss, loss of profit, consequential damages, including but not limited to, operational loss, lost profit, lost revenue, loss or damage to data, costs of data restoration or reinstatement, and similar losses.

  3. A party shall not be deemed liable to the other party for a breach, to the extent the liability can be attributed to circumstances beyond the party's control, including but not limited to pandemics and other health and societal crises, strikes and lockouts, legislative interventions or administrative acts, natural disasters, war and terrorism, hacker attacks, breakdowns, interference, or changes in necessary third-party software. Conditions at a party's supplier are considered force majeure for that party if there is an impediment for the supplier covered by this section 11.3.

12.                Intellectual property rights

  1. Feedwork has copyright and any other intellectual property rights to the Team Program, including HTML code, text, images, concepts, drawings, and other elements that the Customer may access through the License. The Customer is responsible for the infringement of Feedwork's rights, including the unauthorized disclosure of the Team Program to a third party.

  2. Feedwork owns the data recorded, processed, and stored in the Team Program, provided that the data in question does not constitute personal data and is anonymized. During the License Period, the Customer has access to the relevant data.

13.                Personal data

  1. When using the Team Program, Feedwork will not collect, process, or store personal information about the Customer or the Customer's users.

14.                cinfidentiality

  1. Each party must observe unconditional confidentiality regarding all confidential and non-public information about the other party. 

  2. A party may not disclose or use the other party's confidential information and trade secrets without authorization, unless:

  1. The disclosure is necessary to protect or fulfill a party's rights or obligations under the License Agreement, including in case of a dispute between the parties, or
  2. The disclosure is made to the party's auditor, attorney, bank, or others, who by law or agreement are subject to confidentiality.

15.                Choice of law and disputes

  1. Any dispute concerning the License Agreement shall be settled under Danish law and shall be initially brought before the Copenhagen City Court.